Monday, October 13, 2008

How to sleep less and have more energy?

By Kacper MP,, Ahmad,15 October 2008

TRONOH: The picture above shows a front page of a book, which is my reference to this article, written by Kacper M. Postawski and Therefore, all information contained here is received from sources believed to be accurate. Thus, please seat back, relax and lend me your piece of mind.

Is it possible to sleep for 4-5 hours and feel more rested, more alert, and more energized than you did when you slept for 8 or 9 hours (or more)? Yes it is! while this book maybe short, the information in it is extremely powerful.
Do you want to change? Allah will not change our fate until we change it ourselves

Just Imagine what radical changes you could create. and what things you could accomplish in your life if you were able to sleep just half as much as you do now!

Now, let me remind you that the purpose of this article is to get you into getting a kick-off towards experiencing quality sleep. Furthermore, this article will be appreciated when the effect of this sleepimg plam takes into  play in your lifestyle.

For your information, I have been following this powerful sleep plan for  nearly a year and it has change my lifestyle since then.

Before I proceed on the 'how' let us look at this line, "I just need to get a good night rest", "Get some quality sleep, you'll feel better". However, what on Earth is quality sleep? Is it some mysterious force that just comes and attacks us in them middle of the night that we have no control over? Most people have very limited knowledge and beliefs about what sleep is. Often sleep just means 'sleep', and nothing more, and we don't pay much attention on how it affects our health.

Until the the 20th century, it was believed that our minds completely turned off during sleep. Recent scientific discovery has un-covered something completely different. Your mind enters a state so fascinationg and rich with structure that it makes being awake look boring when we're sleeping.

Based on this writer and me, I belief contrary to popular belief, you do not need 8 hours of sleep to function properly during the day. There are many people in the world today that perform mentally and physically demanding tasks and sleep for only 4 to 6 hours per night. Are these people living zombies? Or did they somehow tap into a fountain of energy, a system that lets them perform this way?

A good example of a person like this is someone on a yacht team. The crew takes shift being on the deck and has to fight vigorous weather, poor eating conditions, continuos motion and drastic temperature changes, for up to 3 months! At this time each crew sleeps about 4 to 5 hours peer shift, and has no trouble performing the highly mentally and physically demanding tasks of sailing yacht.

There are also many other individuals in the world who don't sail yachts or perform outrageously physically demanding tasks, yet they also sleep very little. Regardless of their 'sleep deprivation',  they are always up beat, energetic and full of life. An example close to us is our beloved chancellor. Are these people just born with this ability, or something they're doing on a conscious or subconscious level?
Now let us continue with the 'hows'.

1. Sunlight exposure
  • By getting sunlight into your eyes in the first few minutes you wake up. This will instantly give your body temperature rhytm the message that it's day time, so wake up! That is why it is a good idea to exxercise in the morning hours.
Are you forced to stay indoor?

  • By getting high intensity light during long indoor times. If you are forced to spend a lot of time indoors because you work in the office or at home, this is the time that is most detrimental to your body temperature rhythm. Ask yourself these question on how to get most sunlight possible during work:-
    1. Am I going to move my desk next to a bright window?
    2. Am I going to take lunch break outside in the sun?
    3. Am I going to convince my boss on getting some artificial bright light generators?

  • By reducing the use of sunglasses. Or in other word, use it with common sense. UV radiation is harmful to your eyes but and is highest when the Sun is at its peak point in the sky. So, avoid wearing sunglasses just for style.
2. Activity level
  • Getting at least 15 minutes of intense cardiovascular exercise. You must provide enough physical demand on your body to raise your body temperature. When your body temperature rise to a higher point, it will delay the body temperature drop and allow you to sleep deeper.

  • Exercising in the morning 'if possible'. By exercising in the morning will get your body temperature to rise quickly. Thus, beating the early morning zombie phase everyone else goes through. You will get double benefit by exercising outdoor as you give light exposure to your eyes as well.

  • Avoid exercising prior to sleeping. The rise of your body temperature after exerise can continue for a considerable time. Therefore, this may prevent you from sleeping deeply.
3. Power naps
  • The ideal time to take these naps is when you experience your natural body temperature slump or after a hot bath or exercise. It is 60 to 90 minutes after a hot bath and about 4 hours after intensive exercise.

  • If after the 30 to 45 minutes naps and you feel drowsy, it is possible that you just have by pass the naps and entered deep sleep as the amount of time required to get into deep sleep varies from person to person. Thus, shorten your naps according to your body and avoid getting into deep sleep

  • Don't underestimate the power of taking these short naps. If you want to succeed at reducing sleep time, these naps will give you more energy during the day and will restore your physical energy as well as to allow you to clear your mind and concentrating better.
In conclusion, the two key towards having to sleep less and have more energy is to get sunlight and get a move on! Because more than 50% of people who experience insomnia are inactive and live in a very sedentary lifestyle. Besides, what's the point of sleeping and re energizing your body if you are not going to use it?! In order to increase the quality of your sleep, you MUST INCREASE THE QUALITY OF THE DEMANDS ON YOUR LIFE AND YOUR BODY.